- Vehicle enters facility (vehicle is weighed and delivered to personel) CAUTION: In case of loss of vehicle, a Certificate of Destruction can not be issued. Contact the Transport Department of the local Prefecture.
- Proof of ownership (vehicle registration, ID card or passport) CAUTION: In case of loss of vehicle registration, is needed a Solemn Declaration of Law 1599/86 and loss statement from the Police Authority. In case of loss of the license plates of the vehicle is needed a Solemn Declaration of Law 1599/86 and a loss statement from the Police Authority.
- Completion of required documents An invoice and a Certificate of Delivery (ΒΕΒΑΙΩΣΗ ΠΑΡΑΛΑΒΗΣ) is issued to the owner of the vehicle. After eight (8) days a Certificate of Destruction (ΠΙΣΤΟΠΟΙΗΤΙΚΟ ΚΑΤΑΣΤΡΟΦΗΣ) will be issued and send by post to the owner of the vehicle and this certificate is the only legal document for the permanent deletion of the vehicle registration from the data base of the Transport department.
CAUTION: In the Certificate of Delivery there must be the details of ΕΔΟΕ (Hellenic Vehicle Alternative Management) and of the treatment facility. In the Certificate of Destruction there must be the original stamp of ΕΔΟΕ and the the original stamp and signature of the representative of the the treatment facility. If not, you have to contact immediately ΕΔΟΕ www.edoe.gr.